2009년 4월 10일 금요일

[book, 2007] 'Blink', after reading this.

This book in a word?:
This insightful book teaches how important the speedy judgemenet which is based on unconcious thinking is.

Publishing year: 2007.
Year that I Read : 2009. 4.

Feeling: I feel cool.

Finding: I learn that effective fast judgement would bring peace to human race.

- Summary in Korean

찰나의 판단에 관한 episode 들과 그와 관련된 통찰력을 잘 소개하고 있는 책입니다.
경찰들의 사례를 통해 누구나 급박한 상황에서는 자폐증상이 나타날 수 있어서 판단을 그르칠 수 있지만 훈련을 통해 극복할 수 있다는 것을 배웠습니다.
또 Blind audition 이 orchestra 단원선발에서 얼마나 중요한지도 배웠습니다.
이런식으로 전반적으로 사람들의 판단력은 놀랍지만 때론 flaw 될 수 있다는 것을 배웠습니다. 인류의 판단력만 더 높아져도 이 세상은 더 살기 좋은 세상이 될거라는 생각이 들어서 이 책은 널리 읽혀질 만한 가치가 있다고 생각합니다. ^^

- Know Marriage's Success in 15 Minutes
This book introduced Gottman's love lab. In this lab, Gottman et al. recorded so many married couples' conversations. Gottman could predict whether the couple would continue their marriage 15 years later with 95 % accuracy with 60 minutes of their conversation and 90 % accuracy with 15 minutes of it. With 3 minutes of it his coworkers could predict it with fairly impressive accuracy.

What this book tries to tell is that with just small fragment, we can judge quite accurately and quickly.

Thanks to this book, I could remind that I also watched a documentary that featured this "love lab". In that documentary, it was asserted that how a couple talk is important to their marriage, not what they talk.
A couple could be better if one spouse say in his/her stance when he/she wants something. For example, "I would be happier if you could do something", not "you'd better do something". I think this book for reminding me of that invaluable lesson.

- Doctors who was Never Sued
It is not that doctors screwed the medical procedures, but how doctors treated the patients. Most patients who feel that their doctors spend enough time with them, and explain kindly what is going on, seldom sue their doctors. That is why the survey found out that kind doctors were never sued even when they screwed more medical procedures.

2009년 4월 3일 금요일

[book, 2008] 'The Google Story', after reading this.

This book in a word?:
This book is enlightening explaining google's success.

Publishing year: 2008.
Time that I read : 2009. 01.

Fact: Innovation makes the innovator and others prosperous.

Feeling: I feel cool.

Finding: Google will further innovate this world beyond the search industry.

Summary :

This is more focused on google than the book 'The Search'. So you can find more interesting topics
about google such as founders' Burning man experience, behind stories about logos of google,
how silicon valley's investors were eager to invest to google, and how Larry Page and Sergey Brin loved Eric schmidt as a CEO of google.

You can also find relevant pictures. Have a fun with this book. :)

Detail :

- Burning Man
Many IT experts in Silicon Valley including Larry Page and Sergey Brin, participate 'Burning Man' to refresh themselves. It is their long awaited moment. Larry and Sergey along with other Google employees and friends, plied into cars, and set off for Nevada's desert. They untethered themselves from the Internet and would have no cell phone reception out on the playa.
I was surprised that even these experts need refreshment. So I think I need to have appropriate refreshment for better work efficiency and imagination. "Burning Man' is known its exotic, natural, and free spirit. Through many imaginative art forms, and festivals, participants can free themselves and just enjoy. I and my wife also agreed to participate this great festival.

- Creative Design
One Korean designer, Hwang, is responsible for making google logo at Google's first page. The logo reflects current trend or broadens imaginative horizon by its witful design. I think this changing logo inspire not only google people but also every visitors.

- Win-Win Culture
Google's success is based on win-win strategy. Not only adsense which brings profit to many companies and users, Google thought the win-win partnership is important. Around 2004, an internet search company, Ask Jeeves, turned to profitable thanks to a partnership with Google. Eric Schmidt, the CEO of google and my role model, thought that it is more important to grow together rather than annhilate the competitors.

- Free Time
Like 15 % of the working time in 3M, Google makes employees spend at least 20% of their paid hour. This free time spawns new innovative ideas. This little but vital time is so natural to Larry and Brin who saw professors at Stanford spend one day a week for other research.

[book, 2008] 'The Five Languages of Apology', after reading this.

This book in a word?:
This book explains that people have different apology languages.

Time that I read : around 2008. 12.

Fact: Each person has his/her own apology language.

Feeling: I feel so good. I'm enlightened!

Finding: It is effective to apologize in the other's own language.

Summary :

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, What can I do to make it right? I'll try not to do that again, Will you forgive me?" These are 5 apology languages that the authors surveyed. Through abundant experience, authors proposed a way of using an effective apology language. I think this book is so valuable and reasonable.

Detail :

- Sorry for What?
According to this book, an apology has more impact when it's specific. I agree with this and will be specific when I apologize. Reading this part, I felt great since this method will be effective ^^

- Oprah's Apology
In 2006, Winfrey apologized publicly for her mistake. I admire Winfrey in many ways. And this incident boosts my admiration even more.

- Wisdom for Life
Specific request would less likely be taken as condemnation, such as "would you play Chutes and Ladders with Ethan while I finish getting the meal together?". I think this strategy is also very good rather than saying like "why don't you do something for our child?"

- Deliberate Act for Relationship
"In a healthy marriage, we often make changes that have nothing to do with morality but everything to do with building a harmonious marrage". i think it is important to not see the world as either black or white. This kind of elasticity and flexibility recognize the relationship more accurately. This notion of mine grew further as I read this book.

- How to Forgive?
"Forgiveness is always to be requested but never damanded". We humanbeings would be better not judging the offended person as being guilty of an unforgiving heart.

- Who Apologize First?
Many people ask 'why would I forgive first when the other man started?' OK, but the problem with the waiting game is that the average life span for men and women is 75 years. How much of your adult life you want to spend in a "cold war" relationship as each of you waits for the other to apologize first? Some cases are tragic because people live aloof or disconnect their relationship due to the incident of even 10-30 years ago. Often, our willingness to apologize creates an emotional climate that makes it eager for the other person to apologize also.

- Teach Children Admit Responsibility
If a child ascribe his fault to others, teach him/her take a responsibility. For example, parents can say to their children "repeat after me, I opened the door" when the child blame a cat came into a house through a chimney.

- When Two Children are at Fighting
Make them apologize each other.

- What I learned
Inconsistent discipline is the most common pitfall of parents who are trying to raise responsible children. Prize and punishment need to be consistent.

- How Children Learn From Their Parents?
Young children do what parents say, older children do what parents do. (This is enlightening!) The parents who sincerely apologizes to a child has just increased the child's respect for the parents.

- Apologizing to Myself
As this book suggested, I apologized to myself. I felt so great, and became much more confident.

[book, 2007] 'The Undercover Economist', after reading this.

This book in a word?:
This book taught me basic economic mechanisms. It gave me insights and fun!

Publishing year: 2007.
Year that I Read : 2009. 1.

Fact: Involving with more guarantees better prosperity.

Feeling: Ah~ I feel cool since I come to know the principles.

Finding: More transparent information usually brings better prosperity.

- Power of Scarcity

I think most people already know this lesson. There are several examples of this.
Ex1) Good pasture, orchards are expensive, but only useful when other lands are not available.
Ex2) Starbucks located near subway station pay expensive rent fee, but run lucrative business.
Ex3) Since its S/W are dominant, Microsoft can set high prices.

- Usefulness of Price Differentiation

I newly learn this insight through this book. Now I can understand why my ex-boss set our S/W prices differently according to its versions. There are some examples of this.
Ex1) Starbucks, sell coffe with various sizes, options with different prices.
Ex2) Many supermarkets display goods witj different price tags. So buyers might look them more attractive as a whole. Cheap products look attractive due to its low price while expensive products look attractive since these have better functions.

- The Reason Why Economist Raise "ideal world' to Explain Economic Principle Although Such a World Doesn't Exist.

Because this way of thinking enables person better understands what is not functioning correctly in the "real world".

- 'Up-front Fee' VS 'Pay per Drink'.

I came to understand this newly thanks to this book. What it means is that if people pay up-front fee and have a right of free drink, people will consume much. While if people need to pay per drink, people will less likely drink. Changing from 'up-front fee' to 'pay per drink', school authority can solve too much drinking issue. This lesson can be applied to government's transportation policy too. 'Expensive fee for free drive' VS 'Cheap fee as a pay per drive'.

- Power of Auction.

When EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in the US tried to reduce the emission of sulfur dioxide which is the source of acid rain, firstly it was challenged by companies. Companies estimated the cost to reduce the emission is huge. But when the EPA applied an auction to permit of emission right, the actual cost resulting from the auction between companies was much cheaper. How brilliant!

- How to Prosper?

Involving with more guarantees better prosperity. More transparent information usually brings better prosperity. So free trade in that sense increases total wealth.