2009년 4월 3일 금요일

[book, 2008] 'The Google Story', after reading this.

This book in a word?:
This book is enlightening explaining google's success.

Publishing year: 2008.
Time that I read : 2009. 01.

Fact: Innovation makes the innovator and others prosperous.

Feeling: I feel cool.

Finding: Google will further innovate this world beyond the search industry.

Summary :

This is more focused on google than the book 'The Search'. So you can find more interesting topics
about google such as founders' Burning man experience, behind stories about logos of google,
how silicon valley's investors were eager to invest to google, and how Larry Page and Sergey Brin loved Eric schmidt as a CEO of google.

You can also find relevant pictures. Have a fun with this book. :)

Detail :

- Burning Man
Many IT experts in Silicon Valley including Larry Page and Sergey Brin, participate 'Burning Man' to refresh themselves. It is their long awaited moment. Larry and Sergey along with other Google employees and friends, plied into cars, and set off for Nevada's desert. They untethered themselves from the Internet and would have no cell phone reception out on the playa.
I was surprised that even these experts need refreshment. So I think I need to have appropriate refreshment for better work efficiency and imagination. "Burning Man' is known its exotic, natural, and free spirit. Through many imaginative art forms, and festivals, participants can free themselves and just enjoy. I and my wife also agreed to participate this great festival.

- Creative Design
One Korean designer, Hwang, is responsible for making google logo at Google's first page. The logo reflects current trend or broadens imaginative horizon by its witful design. I think this changing logo inspire not only google people but also every visitors.

- Win-Win Culture
Google's success is based on win-win strategy. Not only adsense which brings profit to many companies and users, Google thought the win-win partnership is important. Around 2004, an internet search company, Ask Jeeves, turned to profitable thanks to a partnership with Google. Eric Schmidt, the CEO of google and my role model, thought that it is more important to grow together rather than annhilate the competitors.

- Free Time
Like 15 % of the working time in 3M, Google makes employees spend at least 20% of their paid hour. This free time spawns new innovative ideas. This little but vital time is so natural to Larry and Brin who saw professors at Stanford spend one day a week for other research.

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