[book, 2007] 'Blink', after reading this.
This book in a word?:
This insightful book teaches how important the speedy judgemenet which is based on unconcious thinking is.
Publishing year: 2007.
Year that I Read : 2009. 4.
Feeling: I feel cool.
Finding: I learn that effective fast judgement would bring peace to human race.
- Summary in Korean
찰나의 판단에 관한 episode 들과 그와 관련된 통찰력을 잘 소개하고 있는 책입니다.
경찰들의 사례를 통해 누구나 급박한 상황에서는 자폐증상이 나타날 수 있어서 판단을 그르칠 수 있지만 훈련을 통해 극복할 수 있다는 것을 배웠습니다.
또 Blind audition 이 orchestra 단원선발에서 얼마나 중요한지도 배웠습니다.
이런식으로 전반적으로 사람들의 판단력은 놀랍지만 때론 flaw 될 수 있다는 것을 배웠습니다. 인류의 판단력만 더 높아져도 이 세상은 더 살기 좋은 세상이 될거라는 생각이 들어서 이 책은 널리 읽혀질 만한 가치가 있다고 생각합니다. ^^
- Know Marriage's Success in 15 Minutes
This book introduced Gottman's love lab. In this lab, Gottman et al. recorded so many married couples' conversations. Gottman could predict whether the couple would continue their marriage 15 years later with 95 % accuracy with 60 minutes of their conversation and 90 % accuracy with 15 minutes of it. With 3 minutes of it his coworkers could predict it with fairly impressive accuracy.
What this book tries to tell is that with just small fragment, we can judge quite accurately and quickly.
Thanks to this book, I could remind that I also watched a documentary that featured this "love lab". In that documentary, it was asserted that how a couple talk is important to their marriage, not what they talk.
A couple could be better if one spouse say in his/her stance when he/she wants something. For example, "I would be happier if you could do something", not "you'd better do something". I think this book for reminding me of that invaluable lesson.
- Doctors who was Never Sued
It is not that doctors screwed the medical procedures, but how doctors treated the patients. Most patients who feel that their doctors spend enough time with them, and explain kindly what is going on, seldom sue their doctors. That is why the survey found out that kind doctors were never sued even when they screwed more medical procedures.
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